350 rub
Journal Antennas №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Characteristics of Planar Reflectarrays Designed by a Method of Composite Panel Milling
Yu. G. Antonov, S. V. Ballandovich, G. A. Kostikov, M. I. Sugak
Practical realization big (with the size of the aperture in some tens lengths of waves and more) printed reflectarrays of a microwave region is confronted with essential technological difficulties. For example: high enough cost of manufacturing of printed circuit boards photolithography means, a fragmentation of aperture of reflectarray, etc. These reasons lead developers to pay attention to alternative technologies of performance of flat reflectarrays. There are methods of laser cutting or milling of a conductor plate. In work results of designing and an experimental research of the flat reflectarrays executed by a method of milling of composite panels are presented. Advantage of such performance of a reflectarray consists in essential reduction of price of manufacturing of antennas with the big electric sizes. The effect of occurrence of parasitic fluctuations between conductor layers of the composite panel and its influence on frequency dependence of gain of a reflectarray is marked. Results of calculations and experiments, which speak about possibility of removal of the special frequency for limits of a working band of the reflectarray are presented. It is possible to assert that questions of designing of antennas by a method of milling have not found proper attention in the literature. The goal of this paper is to fill this space.
Pages: 5-10
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