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Journal Antennas №9 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Electronic Programming-Methodical Complex «The Analysis and Synthesis of Microwave Devices and Antennas»
I.F. Budagjan, V.F. Dubrovin, G.G. Shchuchkin, G.R. Mersjaitova, O.V. Tihvinskaja
The electronic programming-methodical complex in html format, providing use possibility in modern variants of training systems construction, including remote is considered. The complex is intended for the description of the processes occurring in various microwave devices, and their modeling. It can be used in higher educational institutions at training of students on corresponding specialties, and also for engineering calculations. The basic features of a programming-methodical complex are: a choice of an investigated theme; use of active windows in the text what to separate the auxiliary information from the basic, to look through drawings and tables, references to the literature and a material of subsections; connection of the developed programs directly to corresponding themes for computer modeling, practical recommendations about design microwave devices and antennas; inclusion of spent scientific work results with the subsequent updating in the course of new works performance. By working out of a program part of a complex are used Delphi environment and AutoCAD. By means of hyperlinks from the main window of the complex maintenance a transition in any of seven themes is carried out: the analysis and synthesis of transmission lines; transformation of microwave circuits; design of microwave filters; the analysis and synthesis of resonators; modeling directional coupler; design strip Y-circulator; modeling of radiating devices. Each theme is subdivided into sections. The interface program module contains the complete set 16 developed programs on a complex theme. All these programs though they also are solved in a little various styles, allow carrying out the analysis and synthesis of various microwave devices and antennas in a mode of modeling.
Pages: 67-76
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