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Journal Antennas №9 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
System Approach for Developing On-Board SHF and EHF Antenna-Feeder Systems
A. V. Kashin
Antenna-feeder systems (AFS) are component parts of on-board radars. Their development is often based on experimental simulation, especially in SHF range. The experimental simulation is mainly based on the real AFS design developed before being the reference for the definite antenna type. However, such design method requires rather considerable time and material consumption. Creation of the required electromagnetic field distribution in the space, limitations for the dimensions and weight cause AFS presentation as multielement systems, and their development is rather complex multiparametric task. This task solution both theoretically and experimentally does not always give necessary result.
The tendencies of using partial methods of development when designing specific on-board AFS appeared in the middle seventies. The methods allowed not only to improve performance specifications of the known antenna devices, but to create those new and their operation was based on introducing components perfecting on-board AFS specifications. AFS mathematical simulation consists in comparison of boundary value electro-dynamic problems describing AFS electromagnetic processes to a certain degree of adequacy. The mathematical simulation allows either to build algorithms and methods of solving analysis and synthesis problems or work out the list of recommendations for the configurations experimental debugging.
Mathematical models have been built for the most part of antennas, including those on-board, and for some of them engineering methods were developed as well. However, integrated approach to the on-board antennas development allowing to combine the known methods of antennas development, optimize their design from the point of view of the most complete meeting specifications of on-board radar system (RS) AFS has not been developed up to date.
The present work presents the approaches for building the methods of developing on-board AFS allowing to create antennas providing the specified technical characteristics. When developing on-board AFS it is necessary to take into account their following specific features: firstly, it is possible to obtain the same electrical and dimensioning characteristics at several alternative design versions; secondly, there should be a unique design realization depending on the conditions of the location on the airborne vehicle board in severe environment.
The article proposes system approach to on-board RS AFS development. This approach uses generalized technical requirements to the antennas as initial data for the development. Such approach defines the sequence of operations being necessary for developing ASF for different purposes and frequency range to optimize their specifications. The developed methodology of designing antennas, both decimeter and millimeter range, allows to carry out the complex analysis of the specified technical requirements, and on the basis of the algorithms, recommendations and methods (including the automated as well) to carry out calculation, develop design documentation, manufacture and test AFS models.
Pages: 59-66
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