350 rub
Journal Antennas №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of the Noise Immunne Antenna Array of the Phase Sum-Difference Monopulse System
B. D. Manuilov, P. N. Bashly, S. G. Gladushenko, Yu. A. Kuznectov
There has been proposed a synthesis technique of the noise-immune antenna array for the phase sum-difference monopulse system. The synthesis problem has been stated as applied to the antenna array of the rectangular elliptically polarized waveguides. It has been shown the feasibility of the concurrent control of one sum and two difference (in the azimuth and tilt planes) patterns of the antenna array of the phase sum-difference monopulse system operating under the conditions of interference. It has been shown that a new energetic functional proposed in the form of the relationship of the signal power in the sum channel of the antenna array to the sum of the noise and interference powers in the sum and difference channels allows to synthesize more qualitatively the antenna array of the phase sum-difference monopulse system as compared with the known approach, in this case it becomes possible to form array blindnesses in the pattern located near the main maximum of the sum pattern.
Pages: 33-40
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