350 rub
Journal Antennas №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Nanoscope electrodynamics
A. V. Samsonov
Classical electrodynamics in reality is nanoscoping as the nanovolume of the substance is the smallest volume at the free division of the bodies intro parts, which can be considered as the material point and use the mathematical analysis in the form of differential equations. The result o the nanoscoping is the minimal limiting time intervals on which the development of nigh information technologies are based at the contemporary stage. In accordance with the condition of the relativity principle the minimal time interval is , where is the size of the nanovolume; is the light speed. This interval defines the physical space and time steps in the differential equations of the electrodynamics and consequently the time delay of the changes in the time of the outside currents and charges in the Maxwell equations/ As the result of the introduction of the time delay the changes in the time of the outside currents and charges Maxwell equations are divided intro the equations with the outside charges, creating longitudinal electric waves and intro the equations with the outside currents, creating the transverse electromagnetic waves. The fields of the longitudinal electric waves of the changed charges of the point sources diminish proportionally and the fields of the transverse electromagnetic waves of the changed currents of the same sources diminish proportionally . In the case of the limiting of the longitudinal electric waves by the transverse section of the conductors there spreading in the conductor at the conditions of the spatial stationary state would come to the laws of the electric circuil. In the case of breaking the conditions of the spatial stationary state the conditions of radiation by the conductor of the transverse electromagnetic waves will appear. Among them the stationary waves have the special meaning. The nonstationary waves are the physical carriers of the super wide zone signals. In the well known solutions of the equations of Maxwell for the point sources the appearance of the longitudinal electric waves at the change of other charges is done by the introduction of Lorenz calibration. The conducted analysis of Lorenz calibration showed that Lorenz calibration also leads to longitudinal electric waves and transverse electromagnetic waves. This taking intro consideration of nanoscoping of the substance volume in the classical electrodynamics gives the frames of the practical application of this theory.
Pages: 12-18
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