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Journal Antennas №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Multimedia programming-methodical complex «Research of wave processes at propagation and diffraction of radio-waves»
I. F. Budagiyan, G. G. Shchuchkin, D. I. Kruchkov
Results of use of innovative technologies on the basis of means of an information-analytical drawing for creation of multimedia programming-methodical complexes are considered. The developed complex is meant for dynamic display of wave processes at propagation and diffraction of radio-waves and ultra short pulses, including their modeling. It provides association of a theoretical material with the interface program module. The multimedia programming-methodical complex contains 3 themes: propagation of radio-waves within direct visibility; modeling of wave processes at reflection of radio-waves from an ionosphere; research of diffraction processes on bodies of the various forms. Each theme represents the finished computer video clip. It can be stopped at any moment, or simply to "wind off - and see more attentively that promotes accurate comprehension of physical process. Structurally a computer video clip is subdivided on the sections - key scenes, including main moments of an investigated theme. The structure of a complex except thematic blocks includes the interface program module containing 5 developed programs: the automated measurement an electromagnetic field distribution; modeling of wave processes in ionosphere at approach of a linear layer; research of electromagnetic waves diffraction on various apertures and their systems; investigation of diffraction process of electromagnetic waves on the elementary bodies; modeling diffractions of electromagnetic waves and ultra short pulses a method of auxiliary currents. All these programs allow make in a mode of modeling the analysis of wave processes at propagation and diffractions of radio-waves and ultra short pulses
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