350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Features of Management of Orientation Diagram for Ring Phased Antenna Massive (Rpam) a Part of Communication System in Short Wave (Sw) Range
V. M. Zhukov, A. F. Kharin, S. V. Dubrovin
The problem of search optimum discrete value of phases has been solved in article. Using them there is a possibility to create orientation diagramm similar to the settlement.The algorithm of transformation from a phase to a codes allows to operate the phase shifter. Realisation of electric length for phase shifter in an eight-digit binary code has allowed to establish with an admissible error demanded discrete value of phases on the set frequency. Change of angular position of maximum orientation diagram on a corner more than 300 is carried out by change in calculations of a serial number of the element counted from chosen system of coordinates. On frequencies above 7 MHz it is necessary to carry out intermediate scanning in angular sector between the next radiators. Results of calculations and modelling RPAM of the set design remain in ROM. Then management of orientation diagram will be made at level of sample of operating codes by values of a direction of the main maximum, time and frequency. It allows a control system of the antenna with big speed to change the parametres, carrying out a mode spatially - frequency - time coding of the information transferred to correspondents. Thus the control system of the RPAM changes the parametres faster and carries out a mode spatially - is frequency - time coding of the information. The similar modes working of a communication system raises information protection in telecommunication networks
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