350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Accuracy of an Estimation of a Vector of Linear Speed of the Purpose at Inverseof the Aperture of the Aerial in the Conditions of the Space Review
A. Yu. Konovalov, I. F. Kupryashkin, V. P. Likhachev
In work questions of an estimation of potential accuracy of definition of parametres of movement of an air target survey radar in a mode of inversed SAR are considered. The work purpose is definition of one-dimensional density of distribution of estimations of the module of a vector of speed and a course corner of the air target, formed during processing of its radio hologramme registered during one review of space. For achievement of the specified purpose in article the kind of complex function of uncertainty of the radio hologramme on two parametres - to radial and tangential components of a vector of speed of a air target is defined, then expressions for elements of a matrix of Fisher, and, on their basis - the formulas turn out, allowing to calculate dispersions of estima-tions of the specified parametres against white noise. So values of the module of a vector of speed and a course corner are connected with values of radial and tangential components nonlinear transformations definition of a kind of their one-dimensional density is carried out according to a known rule of transformation of density of distribution of system gaussian random variables in nonlinear non-inertial to system. The received results testify that the estimation of components of a vector of speed with an error of an order of 10 km/s on the module and 5° on a course corner is possible only at low enough rate of the review of space (an order of 1-2 rpm) and дальностях to the purpose less than 50 km.
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