350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Division of Flow of Signals with Fixed and Pseudorandomly Put on Operational Frequency in Multiposition System of Panoramic Detectors - Direction Finders
E. A. Kirsanov
The generalization on a multiposition case of outcomes on a filtration of parameters of signals is carried out in case of a blended flow of measurements from several radio electronic means with a fixed and pseudorandomly put on operational frequency on the basis of data processing of a multiposition system of digital panoramic detectors - direction finders at spectral submission of input implementation of each antenna member. The sold procedures "of «knot" of initial hypotheses, tracking of sequences of supervision in dynamic gates of selection and decision making about the verity of followed hypotheses are rendered concrete. The synthesis of algorithm of a filtration of hypotheses about radio electronic means with pseudo-random rearrangement of an operational frequency is executed by a method of division with a discretization as areas of uncertainty of the season and delay of a time sequence, and interval of uncertainty of a current signal frequency. The solution on justice of hypotheses is received on the basis of modified yardstick of Wald. The outcomes of an estimation of efficiency of offered algorithm are adduced. The stuffs are set up on 12 pages, are illustrated by 7 figures, the bibliographic list contains 6 sources.
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  2. Кирсанов Э. А. // Радиотехника. 2009. № 5.
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  4. Радзиевский В. Г., Сирота А. А. Теоретические основы радиоэлектронной разведки. М.: Радиотехника. 2004.
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  6. Вальд А. Последовательный анализ. М.: Физматгиз. 1960.