350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Influence of Parameters of Modulating Pressure on Characteristics of Adaptive Antenna System with Chart Mod-ulation
D. Ivantsov, V. Pavlov
The opportunity of increase of a noise stability of a radioline on the basis of existential processing signals and handicapes by chart modulation of a stirring radio emission for reduction of the response of stirring radiation by an input of a radio re-ceiver due to decrease in spectral density of its capacity, the spectrum of the modulated pressure caused by expansion, and suppression of a part of spectral components due to frequency selectivity of a radio receiver is shown. It is shown, that the width of a spectrum of the modulated pressure is defined by speed of scanning of the diagram of an orientation of adaptive antenna system, and a power level of spectral components in lateral strips - depth of modulation, those limits of measurement of factor of strengthening of the aerial in a direction of a source of stirring radiation. Realization of the offered approach provides decrease in energy of set of stirring radiations irrespective of number of de-grees of freedom of adaptive antenna system. Materials are stated on 7 pages, 4 sources are illustrated by 4 figures, the bibliography.
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