350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Definition of Current Azimuth for Moving Objects at Non-Linear Radar with Employment of the Antenna Aperture Synthesis Technique
V. P. Likhachev, N. A. Usov
The application of a method of synthesizing of the aperture of the aerial in means of a nonlinear radar-location can provide formation of the radar-tracking image of objects with nonlinear electric properties at simultaneous increase of angular resolution nonlinear radar. However at movement of objects with nonlinear electric properties with some radial speed arises additional Doppler's shift of frequency of the echo-signal, leading to displacement of corresponding marks in the radar-tracking image and, as consequence, to errors of definition of true azimuthally position of objects of sounding. The same effect can arise at supervision of motionless object with the nonlinear electric properties, changing the operating mode. In article analytical expression of true value of an azimuth of moving object with nonlinear electric properties is received. Use in non-linear РЛС with synthesizing of the aperture of the antenna of the algorithm grounded on application of mathematical procedures, providing evaluations with use of the gained expression, will allow to consider the effects specified above. The offered approach allows to solve in nonlinear radar with synthesizing of the aperture of the aerial a wide range of problems: from maintenance of a mode of selection of the moving nonlinear radar-tracking purposes on the basis of presence of radial speed before definition of changes of a functional condition of the observable objects possessing nonlinear disseminating properties, on the basis of change of a phase of rereflection
Pages: 67-70
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