350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Look-Direction and Fluctuation's Characteristics of the Amplitude Sum-and-Difference Meter of Angle Coordinates with the Spatial Compensation
V. I. Karpuhin, S. V. Kozlov, V. I. Sergeev
Тhe expressions for characteristic of amplitude sum-and-difference meter of angle coordinates with spatial compensation is given. Coincidence of look-direction and all the difference in the world fluctuation's characteristics of meter are fixed: under inertia normalization the minimal value fluctuation's error when small variation from equal-signal direction and sharp increase of error when variation of angle position of useful signal are accomplished; under instant normalization the variation fluctuation's characteristics in the limit of major petal of directivity's diagram is less at order. Analysis of meter's characteristics upon use noise algorithms of noise balancing on the grounds of generally accepted are given. Fixed fact that the best characteristics of accuracy being possess the meters the noise balancing in which being hold at the criterion of power output minimum under presence of restriction at the directivity diagrams of partial channel. The results are being used upon estimation of quality of monopulse meter operation and in the mathematical simulation of radio engineering systems that containing specified vehicles. The article includes 14 pages, 6 drawings, 1 table and references to 6 information sources
Pages: 59-66
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