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Journal Antennas №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Mode of Two-Dimensional Direction Finding
of two-dimensional direction finding
angular spectrum
coordinates of quantized direction cosines is offered
V. A. Ufaev, D. V. Ufaev, A. V. Ufaev
The mode of two-dimensional direction finding by means of a maximization of an angular spectrum in coordinates of quantized direction cosines is offered. The uniform quantizing of these coordinates reaches more rational resource allocation of processing on possible values of a two-dimensional direction finding with reduction of figure of operations of induction of the lattice in time. Expansion of a define area of direction cosines in limits a semi quantum has allowed to eliminate a loss of information about an angular spectrum.
Formulas of account of a breadth of a principal lobe of the ambiguity function, necessary number of quantizing levels, direction finding errors are obtained. The minimal number of quantizing levels is determined by the ration of radius of the lattice to a wavelength of radiation. At direction finding surface waves the lapse of a rating of a direction finding is inversely proportional to number of quantizing levels, and an angle of elevation to the radical square of this number.
The three-stage procedure of a maximization of an angular spectrum is offered and investigated by simulation. The rating of a potential scoring accomplished at the expense of exception of process of processing of iterating operations. For 8 element arrays at computation of an angular spectrum reduction of number of accounts of turned multipliers in 23.7 times, reduction of number of multiplications by turning multipliers in 5.9 times is reached.
The paper maintains 9 figures, the list of the literature will consist of 8 sources
Pages: 50-58
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