350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis Superbroadband Arrays of Direction-Finder with Zero of Parcial Orientation Diagrams
O.E. Popova, S.N. Razin'kov
With use of a method of Lagrang multipliers synthesis superbroadband linear arrays of direction-finder with the maximal power directed action factors at the set angular positions of zero parcial orientation diagrams carried out. Dependences of parameters of an orientation of arrays, number and quantities of zero diagrams and their relative positioning in a strip of frequencies are investigated. It is established, that a relative strip of frequencies where occurs spatial exception handicapes, grows proportionally to displacement of angular position of a source of a radio emission in the field of lateral petals. At transition from the first lateral petal orientation diagram to the third its relative size increases in 1,5 - 2,4 times. The strip of working frequencies from a 12-element lattice is reduced in comparison with the characteristic of system from 16 elements in 1,1 - 1,5 times owing to higher (on 2,9 - 3,4 дБ) a level of lateral petals of the diagram of an orientation. Exception superbroadband radiations at formation of 6 zero in the field of the third lateral petal of the possible becomes
Pages: 18-21
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