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Journal Antennas №2 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Multimedia Programming-Methodical Complex «Microwave Devices and Antennas»
© I.F. Budagiyan, G.G. Shchuchkin, M.N. Iluschechkin
Results of use of innovative technologies on the basis of means of an information-analytical drawing for creation of multimedia programming-methodical complexes are considered. The developed complex is meant for dynamic display of processes, occurring in various microwave devices, and modeling of the last that provides association of the theoretic material with the interface program module. A method priority is presentation, information availability that is reached by three-dimensional animation of objects (rotation, moving, scaling), a transition from real to the transparent image with internal structures visualization, display in dynamics of technical realization of various effects and devices.
The multimedia programming-methodical complex is contained by 8 thematic computer video clips: transfer lines, resonators, transformation of microwave circuits, microwave screens, frequency filters, directional couplers and dividers, nonreciprocal microwave devices, antennas. Each theme represents the finished computer video clip. It can be stopped at any moment, or simply to "wind off - and see more attentively that promotes accurate comprehension of physical process. Structurally computer video clips is subdivided on the sections including kinds of devices, types of waves, the basic characteristics, classification and structure of fields.
The structure of a complex except thematic (methodical) blocks includes the interface program module containing 6 developed programs: microstrip resonators; transformers; microwave filters; directional electromagnetic coupling structures; directional couplers and balanced mixers; microstrip antennas
Pages: 78
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