350 rub

Journal Antennas №2 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Restoration of Functioning of The Ring Phased Antenna Lattice in the Conditions of External Negative Influence
V. M. Zhukov, A.N. Sysoev, A.F. Kharin
The paper is dedicated to the restoration algorithm of construction principles within the limited number of radiators in conditions of external negative influences. The restoration algorithm uses the method of the ring phased antenna lattice phase synthesis which is based on the equivalence between the peak and the phase currents distribution, which, in its turn, feed the radiators. Realization at a programme level with minimal complication of the ring phased antenna lattice (with the help of a multi-channel current measuring instrument) proves the advantage of the algorithm. The obtained data about restoration of DO of the ring phased antenna lattice within the absence of some of the radiators allow us to speak on its efficiency
Pages: 68
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