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Journal Antennas №2 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Power parameters and characteristics of active PAA in a reception mode
© V.L. Gostuykhin, V.N. Trusov, A.V. Gostuykhin
The analytical review of mathematical modeling for implementation of required significances of power parameters and characteristics of active PAA in a reception mode is presented in this article. These parameters can be defined on the basis of various approaches [1, 2]. In case of the spectral approach the radiating structure of receiver APAA is modeled by set of no interacting radiators; active modules are modeled by factor of transfer and spectral density of power of noise of the module ; phase shifters are modeled by phase shift and spectral density of capacity of noise and efficiency ; distributive system is modeled by spectral density of power of noise and efficiency [1].
The function scheme of receiver APAA is synthesized on the basis of the initial data carried to an output of the adder: specific spectral density of power of noise . Improvement of power characteristics of receiver APAA due to increase is limited by a level of own noise LNA. At the parallel scheme of summation
where are spectral density of power of noise and efficiency of a radiator; are spectral density of power of noise of the receiver device. Calculations show, that with increase of amplification of LNA parameter decreases and comes nearer to size Then
If the size an antenna array is certain on the set width of antenna pattern necessary value obtained unambiguously. For example, at dependence between and for three values are shown on fig.4.
It is carried out research of influence of losses the tract of receiver APAA on its limiting power characteristics. It is shown, that if the spectral density of power of noise on output APAA is minimal.
Pages: 33
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