350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Digital Beam Control System of Transmitting Video Pulse Scanning Antenna Arrayures
Yu. B. Gourfinkel, I. A. Kolesnikov, A. P. Kurochkin, A. G. Ostrovsky, N. V. Smirnov, L. I. Tsvetkova, B. V. Yakovlevhova
The active transmitting ultra-wideband video pulse scanning antenna array (VPSAA) where scanning is implemented by means of controlled digital signal delay devices is considered. The block diagram of transmitting VPSAA containing the beam control system (BCS) and semiconductor video pulse generators, which outputs are connected to ultra-wideband radiators in every channel of the array, is presented. The pulse generator for triggering the video pulse generators; the divider of triggering signal by a number of radiators (channels) of the antenna array; controlled device of discrete delays in every array channel delaying the triggering pulse by a required value; programmed control device providing the selection of the required delays in the array channels and their delivery to the discrete delay devices are the elements of BCS. The requirements for delay values and time between two subsequent positions of beam for various antennas are given. The block diagrams, design features and experimental research results for basic elements of digital BCS of transmitting VPSAA: digital discrete delay device, divider of triggering signal and delay control device are considered. The experimental research results of the digital beam control system for 4-channel active transmitting VPSAA are given. The conclusion is made on possibility to design the transmitting VPSAA with digital BCS on the basis of chips for generating the discrete delays with improved characteristics. Keywords: active transmitting ultra-wideband video pulse scanning antenna array (VPSAA); digital beam control system (BCS); digital controlled device of discrete delays; programmed control device
Pages: 10
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