350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Reflection of an Electromagnetic Field Radiated by a Slot Waveguide Antenna Array of the Flying Apparatus from a Rough Surface
Yu. A. Illarionov, N. A. Novoselova, S. B. Raevsky
The article represents the results of computing a coefficient of the reflection of electromagnetic waves radiated by the waveguide slit antenna grid (WSAG) with sharp direction diagram (DD) from periodically uneven Earth surface for large and small scale irregularity cases. Waveguide slit antenna grid are placed on the flying apparatus are moving regarding of the Earth with velocity V0. The dependence of the coefficient of the electromagnetic wave from wavelength of signal, period and height of uneven Earth surface are considered. The sources of original signal are arrangement on the surface of the rocket.
Pages: 5-12
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