350 rub

Journal Antennas №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Waveguides Calculations with Account of Limited Conductivity of Walls on the Basis of the Generalized Galerkin Method
V. V. Biryukov, S. B. Raevskiy
As an example of use of the generalized Galerkin method, a task of propagation of a wave Е01 in round waveguide with non ideal conducting surface is considered. The decision of the Gelmhgolz equation for longitudinal components of a Hertz vector is searched as decomposition on own functions of the extended area. The construction of the extended area is carried out by prolongation of internal waveguide border into surfaces of a conductor on thickness of a skin-layer.
The results of the numerical accounts which have been carried out with the help of the generalized Galerkin method and a disturbance method are presented.
The analysis and comparison of the received dependences are carried out.
Pages: 49-51
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