350 rub

Journal Antennas №8 for 2006 г.
Article in number:
Ашихмин А. В., Виноградов А. Д., Мазлов М. Г., Минин Л. А.
With the help of Bessel function the dependence of shape accuracy of synthesized directional diagrams of few - element mono-circular arrays on amount of Bessel functions correction terms with minimal spaces between antenna elements, exceeding the half of radio - frequency signal wave - length is defined. By means of property analysis of major and bounded amounts of Bessel functions correction terms, the general mechanisms of directional diagrams side lobes shaping in broad band, synthesized with the use of «rarefied» few - element mono-circular arrays are revealed. The frequency dependence of major lobe width and side lobe peak level for different structures of few - element array antennas is determined.