V.S. Sokolova1, T.G. Barmina2, M.A. Akimova3, I.Yu. Yaroshenko4
1–4 JSC "Research and Production Association "HOUSE OF PHARMACY" (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Kuzmolovsky, Russia)
1 sokolova.vs@doclinika.ru, 2 barmina.tg@doclinika.ru, 3 akimova.ma@doclinika.ru, 4 yaroshenko.iu@doclinika.ru
Primates have complex social and emotional natures, which can make them difficult to learn and participate in experiments. In this connection, conducting training for them is of great importance in the context of scientific activity. Accustoming animals to experimental procedures allows for better control of their behavior, which in turn increases the safety of experiments for both animals and researchers. In addition, the speed of procedures is also important when working with these animals. Fast and well-organized procedures reduce the likelihood of undesirable situations arising in which primates might react aggressively.
The goal of the work is to develop a handling and training system that would reduce the time required to perform manipulations with laboratory primates.
The study involved 38 cynomolgus macaques: 19 males and 19 females, obtained from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The age of the animals is 3-10 years. Upon admission of the macaques to the nursery, quarantine was carried out for 45 days, during which the animals underwent adaptation to new conditions, were subjected to handling and training.
On the first day of the animals’ stay and, therefore, during the first handling, out of 38 animals, only 4 males and 1 female approached the staff. Females showed signs of fear (15 heads), while males (11 heads) showed clear aggression. On days 3-5, females (15 heads) approached the staff and allowed themselves to be stroked. Males turned out to be more distrustful and showed aggression (11 individuals) in the first days of handling.
When demonstrating aggression, employees immediately stopped interacting and went to other animals. This approach significantly reduced the time of aggressive reactions among primates and was used during further training.
After a week of training, out of 38 individuals, only 1 male and 2 females, who occupied a recessive position in their social group, were of little interest. When they were restricted from the social group, the animals still made contact and completed tasks.
As a result of the training, performing various manipulations with primates has become much easier and safer. The animals did not demonstrate aggression, were focused on interacting with the staff, and it was also possible to significantly reduce the time spent on various manipulations.
The developed system of handling and training can be useful when working with laboratory primates. Conducting trainings not only reduces the time required to complete procedures, but also has a positive effect on the physical and psychological health of animals. In addition, the training makes it easier to handle the animals, which in turn improves work safety for both primates and staff.
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