D.Yu. Akimov1, E.A. Snizhko2, M.N. Makarova3, P.D. Shabanov4
1–3 RMS NPO “HOME OF PHARMACY” (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsky district, Kuzmolovsky settlement, Russia)
1,4 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Institute of Experimental Medicine” (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
1 akimov.du@doclinika.ru, 2 snizhko.ea@doclinika.ru, 3 makarova.mn@doclinika.ru, 4 shabanov.pd@iemspb.ru
Some studies require animals to be restrained and/or anesthetized. Most narcotic and psychotropic substances are not available to educational institutions or preclinical centers involved in experiments using animals. One of the drugs for anesthetizing animals is Zoletil 100®, which contains tiletamine and zolazepam. The instructions for use and literature do not contain recommended doses for mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits, and its effect on physiological parameters has not been established.
The purpose of the work is to evaluate the effect of tiletamine + zolazepam in different doses on certain parameters in laboratory rodents and rabbits.
Mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits were used as test systems. Study object: tiletamine and zolazepam were administered both intramuscularly (mice, rats, guinea pigs) and intravenously (mice, rabbits). The degree of anesthesia was determined using a scoring system based on reflexes. The frequency of respiratory movements was recorded using a piezoceramic sensor to record respiratory rate, blood pressure (BP) in rodents was recorded using a non-invasive blood pressure measurement system for rodents "Sistola", and in rabbits using a veterinary pressure monitor "Zoomed BPM-1". Statistical processing was carried out using GraphPad Prism software.
Based on the study, it was established that tiletamine and zolazepam do not cause a pronounced anesthetic effect in rodents and rabbits. A dose of 30 mg/kg administered intravenously can be lethal in mice. The use of tiletamine and zolazepam in rats led to the second stage of anesthesia and had a hypotensive effect. In guinea pigs and rabbits, stage 3 of anesthesia was observed, namely the initial stage of surgical sleep - superficial anesthesia, which returned to stage 2 in response to stimuli. Anesthesia in guinea pigs and rabbits is characterized by a pronounced inhibitory effect on the respiratory system and a hypotensive effect.
The findings may be useful for preclinical studies in differentiating changes associated with anesthesia from changes associated with other interventions.
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