A.A. Polyanichenko1, A.V. Ivanov2, K.M. Varlamova3
1,2 Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation –
Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian)
3 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
1 alekseipolyanichenko@mail.ru, 2 avivanov@imbp.ru, 3 kseniavarlamova@mail.ru
One of the urgent problems of space medicine is the modeling of physiological effects inherent in the state of weightlessness. Understanding the psychological consequences of weightlessness can be closely related to both ensuring the safety of astronauts and performing flight missions. A well-known model of weightlessness reproducing a number of adverse effects associated with the absence of gravity is multi-day head-down bed rest (HDBR). Despite the fact that the independent effects of HDBR on the adaptation of various physiological systems are well known, little attention has been paid to psychological reactions to such effects until now.
The study of the influence of the conditions of 21-day head-down bed rest on the dynamics of human behavioral reactions when performing simulated situational tasks with elements of uncertainty was conducted on the basis of the SSC RF – IMBP RAS with the participation of 6 healthy male volunteers aged 24 to 40 years (30.7 ± 5.4), who were in conditions of bed hypokinesia in an anti-orthostatic position with an inclination angle of -6° relative to the horizon. To determine tolerance to uncertainty, the McLane questionnaire was used in the adaptation of E.N. Osin MSTAT-I (2010), the questionnaire was presented seven days before the start of HDBR and twenty days after the start of HDBR. To assess the level of claims, methodology was used F. Hoppe. During the biofeedback-training on the 2nd, 7th, 13th and 19th days, an electroencephalography (EEG) recording was recorded before and after the presentation of tasks, in the future, the relative power value (RPV) of all the studied ranges of the EEG spectrum was calculated.
Based on the results of the second stage of the study, it can be concluded that there was a general decrease in the indicators of tolerance to uncertainty, when, as at the first stage, the indicators for all subscales corresponded to the normative values (moderate tolerance). 5 out of 6 volunteers have an inadequate reaction to the success/failure situation, determined by the number of atypical steps, that is, the choice of an easier level after success, or a more complex level after failure.
These data indicate the negative impact of HDBR on the psychological stability of people in one of its important aspects – tolerance to uncertain situations.
Polyanichenko A.A., Ivanov A.V., Varlamova K.M. Dynamics of changes in indicators of tolerance to uncertainty demonstrated by volunteers with different levels of claims in conditions of head-down bed rest. Technologies of Living Systems. 2023. V. 20. № 4. Р. 19-30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202304-02 (In Russian).
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