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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Assessment of the quality of life in patients depending on gender and timing of the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202302-07
UDC: 616.728.3:616-036.8

I.I. Radysh1, S.V. Zhuravlev2, E.I. Kruglyanskaya3, N.V. Vasilchenko4

1–4 Clinical hospital № 1 of Department of Presidential Affairs (Moscow, Russia)

4 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)


The article presents data on gender differences in assessing the quality of life of patients depending on the timing of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) arthroscopic reconstruction and complex individual rehabilitation.

An analysis of the gender assessment of the quality of life was carried out in 834 patients (the first group, early reconstruction - the main subgroup A (84 men and 69 women) and control A (162 men and 116 women); the second group, delayed reconstruction - the main B (79 men and 67 women) and control B (140 men and 112 women); aged 18-55 years).

It was found that before ACL reconstruction, the median values on all scales of the MOS SF-36 questionnaire were reduced (p<0.001) compared to the literature data of population studies.

One year after surgery, all patients showed significant positive dynamics relative to the preoperative period on all scales of the MOS SF-36 questionnaire (p<0.0001, Wilcoxon T-test). It was found that in subgroups of men, the median values for all scales of the MOS SF-36 questionnaire were statistically significantly higher than in women, regardless of the timing of ACL reconstruction and complex individual rehabilitation (p<0.0001, Mann-Whitney U-test).

It was found that 1 year after ACL arthroscopic reconstruction and rehabilitation, the primary efficacy of treatment of patients according to the PCS and MCS scales of the main A subgroup was established compared to other subgroups (p<0.001, Mann-Whitney U-test). So, in 38.1% of men of the main A subgroup, high results were obtained, in 60.7% - average and in 1.2% - moderate, and women from the main A subgroup evaluated the results of surgical intervention 28.9%, 66.8 % and 4.3%, respectively. At the same time, 4.3% of male patients of the control A subgroup had high results, 83.4% - medium and 12.3% - moderate, and women from the control A subgroup - 1.7%, 75.9% and 22. 4%, respectively.

It was found that 21.8% of men of the main B subgroup received high results, 65.4% - average and 12.8% - moderate, and women from the main B subgroup - 10.9%, 65.8% and 23.3%, respectively. At the same time, 0.7% of men in the control B subgroup had high results, 73.6% - average and 25.7% - moderate, and women from the control B subgroup - 0%, 68.3% and 31.7%, respectively. Low results were absent in all subgroups of patients.

Thus, the obtained clinical results of ACL arthroscopic reconstruction and complex individual rehabilitation according to the MOS SF-36 questionnaire data indicate the higher efficiency of treatment and rehabilitation in the 1-st group of patients who underwent surgery at the early period, compared with 2-th group, operated on at the delayed from the moment of injury.

Pages: 63-72
For citation

Radysh I.I., Zhuravlev S.V., Kruglyanskaya E.I., Vasilchenko N.V. Assessment of the quality of life in patients depending on gender and timing of the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Technologies of Living Systems. 2023. V. 20. № 2. Р. 63-72. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j20700997-202302-07 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 27.03.2023
Approved after review: 03.04.2023
Accepted for publication: 17.04.2023