O.B. Panina1, A.N. Samusevich2, E.V. Proskurnina3, L.M. Samokhodskaya4, D.A. Krivonosova5
1,2,5 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
3 Research Centre for Medical Genetics (Moscow, Russia)
4 Medical Research and Education Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
Retroplacental blood is a maternal blood which circulates in the decidual membrane lacunae spontaneously flows out of the intervillous space during the expulsion of afterbirth. There are only few publications in literature about the features of retroplacental blood. The main research directions were the level determination of HLA antibodies, TNF-alpha, interleukin-1 beta, placental proteins (human placental lactogen (hPL), placental protein PP5, trophoblastic beta-1-glycoprotein, etc.). Retroplacental blood is in great research interest, as it can provide valuable information on the pathogenesis of pregnancy and childbirth complications. That is why the purpose of the research was to study the biochemical characteristics in the retroplacental blood during physiological pregnancy ended in spontaneous delivery or planned caesarean section.
42 pregnant women were included in the research. They were divided in two groups. The first group included 28 patients with a physiological pregnancy, which ended in spontaneous delivery. The second group included 14 patients with a physiological pregnancy, which ended in planned caesarean section because of the incompetent uterine scar. The research exclusion criteria were pregnant woman having severe somatic, infectious and gynecological diseases or pregnancy complications.
The research materials were peripheral blood serum from the cubital vein and retroplacental blood serum from the maternal surface of the placenta. The following biochemical parameters were estimated: alanine-aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose, total protein, albumin, urea, creatinine, total and direct bilirubin. At the stage of the laboratory study, it was revealed that visually the serum of peripheral and retroplacental blood were different in color: the serum of peripheral blood was yellow color, and the serum of retroplacental blood – red.
The research results revealed significant differences (p = 0.05) in the biochemical characteristics of retroplacental and peripheral blood in women with physiological pregnancy. By comparison retroplacental and peripheral blood biochemical characteristics of all patients the levels of ALT, AST, LDH, urea, creatinine and direct bilirubin were significantly higher (p = 0.05), and the levels of glucose, total protein and total bilirubin were significantly lower in retroplacental blood compared to peripheral blood. Operative delivery (planned caesarean section) has an effect on biochemical characteristics such as AST and LDH, which level in retroplacental blood was significantly higher
(p = 0.05), as well as glucose, total protein and creatinine, which level in retroplacental blood was significantly lower.
Thus, the research suggested that retroplacental blood has a number of significant features compared to peripheral blood, that is why it should be continued. Retroplacental blood tests may be interesting in terms of studying fetal disorders pathogenesis and their prevention in the next pregnancy.
Panina O.B., Samusevich A.N., Proskurnina E.V., Samokhodskaya L.M., Krivonosova D.A. Retroplacental blood biochemical characteristics investigation and their value in clinical medicine. Technologies of Living Systems. 2022. V. 19. № 4. Р. 60-69. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j20700997-202204-06 (In Russian)
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