P.P. Nesmiyanov1, M. Jain2, T.I. Rakhmatullin3, K.V. Buravleva4, E.M. Seredenina5, L.M. Samokhodskaya6
1,2,4–6 Medical Research and Educational Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
2,3,5,6 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
Erythrocytes are known to accumulate various signaling molecules contained in plasma. However, their analysis in clinical practice is limited to the determination of serum levels. The aim of this study was to determine cytokine profiles of erythrocytes in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic heart failure (CHF). Multiplex analysis was used to determine the levels of 48 cytokines, chemokines and growth factors in erythrocyte lysate and plasma of patients with IHD / IHD + CHF, as well as in individuals without these diseases. It was found that intraerythrocytic concentrations of 17 signaling molecules significantly differed upwards from the levels in paired plasma samples (p<0.05): CTACK, eotaxin, FGF, HGF, IFN-α2, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL -1RA, IL-8, IL-15, IL-16, IL-18, LIF, MCP-1, M-CSF, MIF, b-NGF. Among them, significant differences in patients with IHD / IHD + CHF, compared to the control group, were observed only for IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-16, M-CSF, MIF (p<0.05) and differences with borderline significancy for MCP-1 (p=0.051). Whereas between patients with CAD and CAD + CHF, no significant differences in intraerythrocytic concentrations of signaling molecules were observed. Thus, erythrocytes appear to be a valuable source of biomarkers of inflammatory diseases and may be of interest not only in the study of ischemia-associated diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also in any other pathologies associated with systemic inflammation.
Nesmiyanov P.P., Jain M., Rakhmatullin T.I., Buravleva K.V., Seredenina E.M., Samokhodskaya L.M. Cytokine profile of red blood cells in patients with ischemic heart disease and chronic heart failure. Technologies of Living Systems. 2022. V. 19. № 4. Р. 33-41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202204-03 (In Russian)
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