A.F. Kayumova1, K.R. Ziyakaeva2, V.G. Shamratova3
1–3 Bashkir State Medical University (Ufa, Russia)
In the regulation of erythropoiesis, erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone whose main functions are stimulation of differentiation of committed erythroid progenitor cells, shortening of the period of the intermitotic cycle of developing erythroid cells, elimination of intermediate divisions in the erythroid series, reduction of “ineffective” erythropoiesis, increase of blood flow intensity in bone marrow vessels and surrounding bone tissue, as well as acceleration of reticulocyte release into peripheral blood and shortening of their maturation period. The processes of rearrangement of relationships between components of systems providing homeostasis of the whole organism of animals exposed to extreme factors can be evaluated based on the analysis of correlation structure.
Analysis of correlation relationships between indicators characterizing the state of the central and peripheral parts of the erythron allows revealing pathophysiological mechanisms of disorders arising under chronic exposure of natural toxicants to the body. The purpose of the present study was the analyses of the nature of the relationships between the parameters of the erythron central and peripheral units in the experiment.
The work was carried out on 60 white non-linear male rats of 3-4 months of age and weighing 200,5 ± 20,5 g. To create an experimental model of intoxication with ore the test group of animals (n = 30) was daily injected orally 1 hour before standard feeding with copper-zinc pegged ore powder. There were evaluated hematological indices of peripheral and central parts of erythron.
There was expressed a lot of the connections between the indicators of bone marrow hematopoiesis, peripheral blood and erythropoietin production in the control group of animals. Thus, the sequence of proliferation, differentiation, morphologically typical stages and final maturation of red blood cells is described by close positive correlations between the number of erythroblastic islets (EIs) of different degrees of maturity. In turn, the stable state of peripheral blood reflects significant direct correlations between the quantitative and qualitative composition of red blood, the corpuscular characteristics of blood and the parameters of their hemolytic resistance. Under the action of toxic components of copper-zinc pyrite ore the connections between the parameters of the central part of the erythron and the total peripheral blood indices practically disappeared, while with indicators characterizing the morphofunctional properties of red blood cells became more numerous. Thus, the approach used by us, consisting in a detailed analysis of the correlation between the parameters characterizing the state of bone marrow hematopoiesis and the peripheral link, made it possible to trace the sequence of development of the response of erythron to the hypoxic state of the body caused by the natural toxicant.
The results of the study in the future can be useful for physiologists, pharmacologists and practical doctors in determining and explaining the pathophysiological mechanisms for the development of anaemia in mining workers and in choosing the right ways to correct it.
Kayumova A.F., Ziyakaeva K.R., Shamratova V.G. Analysis of the relationship between the indicators of the central and peripheral parts of erythron in normal and chronic toxic exposure in the experiment. Technologies of Living Systems. 2022. V. 19. № 2. Р. 22-32. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202202-03 (In Russian)
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