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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Reflex mechanisms of blood circulation in transfusion therapy of acute blood loss
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700997-202103-03
UDC: 616-005.1 092

V.I. Bolotskih1, A.V. Makeeva2, Yu.M. Tumanovsky3, O.V. Lidokhova4, O.N. Ostroukhova5

1-5 Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko (Voronezh, Russia)


Among the modern methods of treating acute blood loss, transfusion therapy plays an important role in the correction of hemodynamic homeostasis. At the same time, this method of treatment does not always have a positive effect on the restoration of certain indicators of blood circulation and nor-malizes hemodynamics in the body.

Purpose of the study – to assess the role of reflex mechanisms of regulation of the circulatory system in acute blood loss during transfusion therapy.

At the 30th minute of the posthemorrhagic period, the decrease in hemodynamic parameters was accompanied by a statistically significant (p <0.05) decrease in the amplitude of the BEAV impulses due to the predominance of low-voltage oscillations and an increase in BEAC due to the predominance of high-voltage biopotentials. Immediately after the treatment (5 minutes), normalization of the VBC and SPVR and an increase in high-voltage biopotentials on the BEAC neurogram were noted (p <0.05). Indicators of central hemodynamics (CI, SI, LVSI and DP) remained at the level of 30 minutes of the posthemorrhagic period. Low-voltage pulses were determined during the registration of the BEAV. After 60 min. after the treatment, the VBC and SPVR values returned to normal. On the BEAV neurogram, as in the initial state, both high-voltage and low-voltage biopotentials were determined. The indices of central hemodynamics (CI, SI, LVSI, DP) after treatment remained at the level of 30 minutes of the posthemorrhagic period and were accompanied by low-voltage impulses on the BEAV neurogram. 

Thus, the normalization of the VBC and SPVR and the restoration of the initial values of BEAC indicates the activation of reflex mechanisms for the regulation of peripheral blood circulation. The predom-inance of low-voltage biopotentials on the BEAV neurogram against the background of a decrease in CI, LVSI, DP indicates the insufficiency of reflex mechanisms for correcting central hemodynamics in connection with the development of myocardial hypoxia and the accumulation of metabolic products in the heart muscle.

Pages: 38-42
For citation

Bolotskih V.I., Makeeva A.V., Tumanovsky Yu.M., Lidokhova O.V., Ostroukhova O.N. Reflex mechanisms of blood circulation in transfusion therapy of acute blood loss. Technologies of Living Systems. 2021. V. 18. № 3. Р. 38−42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j20700997-202103-03 (in Russian).

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Date of receipt: 18.12.2020
Approved after review: 28.02.2021
Accepted for publication: 23.03.2021