Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Web service for an individual rapid assessment of the consumption of essential fatty acids: development, experience, practice
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 612.397.7::[004.588+608.4]

T.V. Eseva¹, A.Yu. Lyudinina², E.R. Boyko³

1–3 IPhys FCR SC UB RAS (Syktyvkar, Russia)


Creation of developments for studying nutrition and methods for its correction is an important applied task of modern medicine. The growth of obesity in the world is marked. Lack of awareness and education of the population in the field of nutrition and diet is one of the reasons for this. Therefore, the creation of an easy-to-use and affordable nutritional assessment for the population is relevant. It is known that the composition of consumed fats is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. In this regard, the goal of our work was to create a computer program in the form of a web service for calculating the consumed dietary fats taking into account their qualitative composition (saturated, polyunsaturated, essential fatty acids).

The development of a computer program was carried out in several stages. To solve problems at each stage, different methods were used. The questionnaire method was applied at the first stage. The task of determining the most frequently consumed fatty foods by the population has been completed.

Gas-liquid chromatography was the second step. A study of the fatty acid profile of previously defined foods was carried out. Creating a working database has been done.

The third stage ended with the creation of another database for the program. It is a collection of photographs of certain foods showing the weight (g) of servings. This is necessary for the convenience of working with the program.

The fourth stage was a literary search. Consumption rates of fatty acids with various foods have been found. Dietary Guidelnes for Americans Databases, US Dietary Reference Intake, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, WHO EFSA ISSFAL, Federal Research Center of nutrition and biotechnology (Moscow) were used.

The fifth stage was the creation of a computer program (web service). The respondent estimates his diet last month by choosing the frequency of consumption of the proposed food products. To determine the weight of the servings, photos are offered. As a result, the program presents the result of eight indicators of fatty acid content in food and diagrams of their comparison with the norms. Known data on the clinical manifestations of excess / deficiency of indicators are described in the conclusion. There is also information about the sources of essential fatty acids.

We checked the comparability of the calculated service data with the profile of blood plasma fatty acids. Simultaneously with the survey of the respondent, blood was taken from the ulnar vein on an empty stomach. Blood samples were processed by gas-liquid chromatography. Synchronous trends were obtained along the profile of essential fats in blood plasma and in the diet.

Thus, a web service was created. It is used to calculate consumed dietary fats and quickly evaluate their quality composition. This tool allows you to assess the adequacy of their consumption to recommended international standards. It provides information on how to correct a fat diet. The service is non-invasive, economical, simple, informative and accessible for individual use. It is freely available on the website of IPhys FCR SC UB RAS 

Pages: 54-61
For citation

Eseva T.V., Lyudinina A.Yu., Boyko E.R. Web service for an individual rapid assessment of the consumption of essential fatty acids: development, experience, practice. Technologies of Living Systems. 2021. V. 18. № 2. Р. 54–61. DOI: (in Russian).

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Date of receipt: 01.06.2020
Approved after review: 02.10.2020
Accepted for publication: 15.03.2021