L.H. Pastushkova¹, I.N. Goncharov², D.N. Kashirina³, A.G. Goncharova4, I.M. Larina5
1–5 State Scientific Center of the RF – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the RAS (Moscow, Russia)
The scanty and contradictory data on the state of angiogenesis under conditions of space flights and model ground-based experiments make it relevant to study the relationship of a number of reliably changing blood proteins with the processes of angiogenesis.
Search for blood proteins associated with angiogenesis on the first day after 21-day immersion.
Proteome and bioinformatics methods were used to study the blood proteome and to analyze the role of significantly changing proteins in relation to angiogenesis after 21-day dry immersion in ten practically healthy volunteers. Unidirectional changes in the proteome were revealed in relation to the regulation of angiogenesis. 9 proteins (vitronectin, fibronectin, fibrinogen, transthyretin, protein S, prothrombin, apolipoprotein A1, clusterin, haptoglobin) associated with the processes of angiogenesis were isolated; their level changed significantly (p <0.01) by 21 days of volunteers' stay in dry immersion. Protein-to-protein connections and associations have been established.
The data obtained are of interest to physiologists, cardiologists and specialists in the field of space biology and medicine. Expansion of proteomic research in this area is promising in relation to the prevention of pathological angiogenesis in conditions of work in extreme conditions, including pressurized facilities.
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