Journal Technologies of Living Systems №4 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Age and gender characteristics of person's gerotranscendence
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700997-202004-09
UDC: 159.9.072

E.V. Belovol – Ph.D. (Psychol.), Associate Professor, Department of Psychology of Personality Development, Moscow Pedagogical State University n.a. V.I. Lenin (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

Z.V. Boyko – Ph.D. (Psychol.), Associate Professor, Department of Nursing Management,

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)


I.V. Radysh – Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician of REA, 

Head of the Department of Management of Nursing Activity, Russian University of Peoples' Friendship (Moscow, Russia)


E.Yu. Shurupova – Ph.D. (Psychol.), Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Children  and Adolescents (Moscow, Russia)



Gerotranscendence as a special stage in person’s development, as a stage of human life which is characterized by a shift in paradigms regarding the aging and oneself in the context of aging is attracting increasing attention of researchers due to the changed demographic situation around the world. Increased life expectancy, global population aging has led to creation of various theoretical concepts of personality development at the later stages of ontogenesis. The gerotranscendence theory is such theory. It is assumed that aging is a certain stage of person’s development and gerotranscendence is formed throughout person's life. The research is devoted to the study of age and gender characteristics of gerotranscendence formation. The results suggest that the dynamics in gerotranscendence formation is heterogeneous and nonlinear. Gender features of gerotranscendence have been revealed showing that in general women are more ready to accept age-related changes and themselves in their context.

The formation of a positive attitude towards healthy aging can be considered as a resource for maintaining mental, psychological and somatic health, which gives its advantages in personality development.

Pages: 78-85
For citation

Belovol E.V., Boyko Z.V., Radysh I.V., Shurupova E.Yu. Age and gender characteristics of person's gerotranscendence. Technologies of living systems. 2020. V. 17. № 4. P. 78–85. DOI: 10.18127/j20700997-202004-09 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 30 сентября 2020 г