Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Changing in regulation of Toll-similar receptors of monocytes in peripheral blood of participants being isolated for a period of 17 days as a reaction reflection of innate immune system
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700997-202001-05
UDC: 571.27

L.H. Pastushkova − 

Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, SSC RF IMBP RAS (Moscow)


A.G. Goncharova − 

Dr.Sc. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, SSC RF IMBP (Moscow)


K.D. Orlova − 

Research Scientist, Laboratory of Proteomics, SSC RF IBMP RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

D.N. Kashirina − 

Research Scientist, SSC RF IBMP RAS (Moscow)


N.B. Zaharova − 

Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, V.I. Razumovsky State Medical University (Saratov) A.S. Kononihin − 

Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, SSC RF IBMP RAS (Moscow)

E-mail: alex. kononikhin @

A.G. Brzozowski − 

Post-graduate Student, SSC RF IBMP RAS (Moscow)


S.A. Ponomarev − 

Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, SSC RF IMBP RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

I.M. Larina − 

Dr.Dc. (Med.), Professor, Head of The Laboratory of Proteomics, SSC RF IBMP RAS (Moscow) E-mail: Irina larina. @ gmail. comtel


Despite the available data on the change in the number and activity of immunocompetent cells after space flights of varying durations and model studies, the mechanisms of the changes that occur remain unclear. The goal of the work: to find out the role of the proteomy in changes in the immune system. Proteomic and bioinformation methods investigated the pairing of protein processes, protein-regulators and Toll receptors in the context of 17-day isolation of the «SIRIUS” project in 6 practically healthy volunteers. The results of the study: despite sexual and genetic differences, during the 17-day period of isolation in the hermoobject revealed one-directional changes in protein regulators and interconnected receptors of the immune system links. 10 proteins related to the functions of the cellular link of the immune system were isolated, the level of most of them reliably changed (p < 0,01) after 17 days of volunteers' stay in the germoobject. In the process of regulating the activity of TLR4 involved 7 proteins, reliably changing under the influence of factors 2 weeks of isolation: FcRIII, MUC1, Galectin-3, Ficolin-2, APOA1, FLNA, FCGR3A. Clusterin protein is involved in the TLR2 regulation process. TLR9 - linked to GDF15, and CD4 - regulates FLNA. Reducing the level of peripheral blood monocytes expressing TLR, identified after short-term exposure to such a factor of space flight as staying in isolation, can be considered as a risk of possible inflammatory dysregulation processes caused by opportunistic pathogens in the early stages of adaptation to extreme environmental conditions. As a result, chronic diseases may worsen and the incidence of non-specific diseases, including respiratory, otitis, dermatitis and some other pathologies, may increase. Practical application and perspectives: The findings are of interest to physiologists, immunologists and specialists in space biology and medicine. Promising expansion of proteomy research in relation to the prevention of changes in the immune system in the conditions of work in the facilities.

Pages: 44-45
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Date of receipt: 14 января 2020 г