350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Effect of different levels of consumption of dietary fiber pregnant female rats on the content of macronutrients in the body of the mother and fetus
S.V. Borisyuk - Post-graduate Student, FSEE HE «Orenburg State University». E-mail.: svborisyuk@mail.ru O.V. Kvan - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Institute Bioelementology, FSEE HE «Orenburg State University». E-mail: kwan111@yandex.ru S.V. Notova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, FSEE HE «Orenburg State University». E-mail: snotova@mail.ru
The results of the study of trace-element composition of the fruit tissues and female rats were on a diet with excess and deficient intake of dietary fiber before and during pregnancy (6 weeks). The basis of power was a semisynthetic casein diet. Deficiency of dietary fiber was modeled by excluding from the diet microcellulose, excess diet -by increasing the level of consumption microcellulose to 4 g/day. The study found that the most sensitive to the different content of dietary fiber in the diet appeared calcium. At deficiency of dietary fiber in the diet showed a significant change in the content of this macroelement in wool, muscle and bone tissues, and tissues of the fetus. Excessive content of dietary fiber diet was also associated with a change in calcium content in the coat, muscle and bone tissue and fetal tissue. On the content of potassium and magnesium in biological media change in diet had no significant effect. The sodium content varied significantly only in the fur in the direction of its higher values in the excessive consumption of dietary fiber. The content of phosphorus deficiency of dietary fiber consumed in the diet has changed in the bone tissue and fruits: marked reduction in the content of this macroelement. When excess dietary fiber levels of phosphorus in the composition was changed wool towards its increase.
Pages: 30-35


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