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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The study influence of space flight on the population of human chondroblasts in vitro
L.T. Volova, M.N. Milyakova, V.V. Rossinskaya, V.V. Boltovskaya, L. N. Kulagina, E.I. Pugachev, L.V. Kurganskaya
In the laboratory of human cells cultures IEMB of Samara State Medical University fibroblast-like cells were extracted and grown from human hyaline cartilage. The identification and phenotyping of the obtained culture was held on the 3rd passage. Currently, a new biological model for space research is proposed and developed. Cells were placed on a medium - demineralized allogenic spongiosis, obtained by «Lioplast»® technology. The produced cell-tissue graft was brought on board of «BION-M» №1, using the scientific equipment «Biokont-B». Spaceflight duration - 30 days. At the same time laboratory experiments were made. The presence of cells was identified by LDG assay. The number of cells initially sent, increased 5 times during the space flight. In the laboratory experiments the cells died after 3 weeks without changing the medium, and with the change of medium, the cells retained their morphological and functional properties.
Pages: 54-58

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