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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Afobazole modulating influence on the amplitude of action potentials in guinea pigs primary afferent neurons by acetylcholine applications
Yu.A. Tolkunov, Yu.D. Ignatov
Object of study - a pharmacological agent afobazole related to anxiolytics. Experimental model is the primary afferent peripheral neurons of the guinea pigs. Acetylcholine (Sigma) was used as excitatory neurotransmitter. Methodology is an intracellular recording of the membrane potential.
It was found that afobazole (1×10-9 - 1×10-7 mol/l) reduced the amplitude of the action potential (AP) induced by acetylcholine (ACh) (1×10-6 mol/l) in the guinea pigs primary afferent neurons. It was shown that afobazole (1×10-9 mol /l) reduced the amplitude of the action potential from the initial 73 ± 2 mV to 36 ± 2 mV, corresponding to an effective dose afobazole ED50. Modulating effect of afobazole leads to decrease of the amplitude of AP in the primary afferent neurons.
Pages: 59-63
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