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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Features of the metabolism of iron at oncological patients
V.N. Blindar, G.N. Zubrikhina
At oncological patients the iron metabolism is broken, and at 40 - 70 % of oncological patients the anemia of chronic disease develops. Modern diagnostics the anemia of chronic disease is based on concentration definition ferritin, a soluble receptor transferrin and hepcidin. Last years, in experiment, it is shown that as a result of action IL-6 production in a liver the squirrel hepcidin, which blocks iron absorption in a duodenal gut and recycling gland macrophages raises. Functional deficiency of iron develops. Last years interest to ferritin as to «the tumor-associated to the squirrel» has increased. Many works are devoted research ferritin at malignant diseases. A number of authors is considered by indicators of concentrationferritin, as prognostic criterion of survival rate of oncological patients. Now there is an accumulation of data on biological and clinical importance ferritin. Ferritin and especially its H-isoform should take the place among clinically significant tumoral markers from a class of «the tumor-associated products of synthesis» which can be used for monitoring at treatment of oncological diseases.
Pages: 3-12


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