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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
T.P. Alexeeva, A.A. Rakhmetova, O.A Bogoslovskaja, I.P. Olkhovskaya, A.V. Ilyina, V.P. Varlamov, N.N. Gluschenko
Chitosan is a high-molecular polymer of glucosamine which has various biological properties. Nowadays dif-ferent derivatives of chitosan possessing new characteristics in comparison with initial chitosan are studied. Previously we have shown that N-sulfosuccinylchitosan in methylcellulose gel exhibits pronounced wound healing property [8]. The objective of the current study is a further research of the influence of chitosan-s chemical modification on its wound healing properties. The experiment was conducted using a model of skin regeneration after full-layer skin trauma on female white mice. It was shown that different chitosan derivatives affect wound healing kinetics differently. The treatment with gels containing 0,05 % N-succinylchitosan, N-carboxymethylchitosan has a negative influ-ence on the wound healing process. The use of the gel containing N-sulfosuccinyl-N-carboxymethylchitosan decreases the half-healing period up to 2 times compared with control group, the use of the gel with N-sulfosuccinylchitosan - up to 31 %, as opposed to the gel containing 0,05 % O-sulfochitosan which doesn-t show any statistically significant difference with the control group. Gels containing mentioned above chitosan derivatives have negligible influence on the period of wound full healing. Our experiments show that the introduction of various substituent groups in chitosan molecule leads to changes in its wound healing properties. N-sulfosuccinylation of chitosan results in enhancement of wound healing activity of synthesized derivatives. This effect is probably associated with the ability of chitosan N-sulfosuccinyl derivatives to stimulate the fibroblast proliferation [6].
Pages: 62-66
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