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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Peculiarities of Intracellular Content and Functional Role of Heat Shock Proteins 70 kDa under Stress and Adaptation
L.I. Andreeva, A.A. Boykova, B.A. Margulis
We summarize data about two cytoplasmic heat shock proteins 70 kDa, Hsp70 and Hsc70, contents in human mononuclear cells under thallium poisoning, heat stress, and normobaric hypoxia. Based on our own data the correlation is proposed between Hsp70 and Hsc70 contents in mononuclear cells and whole organism state. Hsp70 and Hsc70 were detected by Western blotting with specific antibodies to each protein. First of all Hsp70 is supposed to be essential for protection from factors that cause cellular and organism stress, another words, Hsp70 is a member of urgent adaptation. Hsc70 is irreplaceable for the process of structural cellular adaptation. We represent data about alterations of Hsp70 and Hsc70 contents in isolated mononuclear cells of health donors which were cultivated with Schisandra chinensis fruits extract. We found, that Schisandra chinensis induced dose-dependent accumulation of Hsc70 in cells. At the same time the content of Hsp70 was not altered. We propose in this cellular model without action of mediators and hormones of nervous and endocrine systems of whole organism, Schisandra chinensis has not stress-like action. The increase of Hsc70 content, as we propose, accompanies processes of structural, plastic adaptation. Common features and differences between these two proteins are discussed
Pages: 11-17
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