N.I. Kharin1
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
Problem statement. When making investment decisions for projects using alternative energy technologies, it is necessary to have a flexible tool for taking into account the long-term value of projects for the development of the oil and gas industry through alternative sources of hydrocarbons and alternative energy technologies. It is necessary to take into account the influence of factors of economic technical-economic, natural-economic and socio-economic factors and develop criteria for their consideration to adapt the mechanism of making investment decisions in the company.
Goal. To develop a consistent algorithm and recommendations for adapting the mechanism for taking into account long-term value when making investment decisions.
Results. Typical mechanisms and business processes of investment decision-making in vertically integrated oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation are analyzed and presented. The classification and descriptions of factors affecting the prospects of projects for the use of alternative energy resources and technologies are presented. An analytical model of the influence of economic factors on the investment attractiveness of such projects is presented. An analytical model of the influence of technical and economic factors on the investment attractiveness of such projects is presented. An analytical model of the influence of natural and economic factors on the investment attractiveness of such projects is presented. The final analytical model based on the approaches of the theory of diffusion of innovations is presented, and a mathematical description of the observed patterns is proposed. The cumulative long-term effects of the impact of increasing the technological, natural-ecological and socio-economic maturity of alternative energy resources and alternative energy technologies approaches are described.
Practical significance. A typical model of the investment decision-making mechanism in the organization is presented, and the elements in need of modernization are indicated. The main sources of information, management bodies and regulations for the implementation of the business process of making investment decisions in the organization are indicated. The paper proposes a modernization of the investment decision-making mechanism for the development of vertically integrated oil and gas companies (hereinafter referred to as organization), taking into account changes in social preferences due to a detailed modernization of the classical model of the market and social value of an investment project.
Kharin N.I. Consideration of long-term economic value when making investment decisions in the field of alternative energy technologies. Science Intensive Technologies. 2023. V. 24. № 4. P. 60−72. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202304-07 (in Russian)
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