A.P. Ratoushin1
1 Military University of Radioelectronics (Cherepovets, Russia)
The active development of complex dynamically changing structures of heterogeneous code transformations in modern digital signals requires the implementation of procedures for their identification on the receiving side of incompatible channels of satellite communication systems. The peculiarities of the implementation of such procedures are the heterogeneities of the multi-stage combination of codewords of component codes, which cause difficulties in compiling an a priori alphabet and a working dictionary of signs, descriptions of classes of code transformations in the language of signs. In view of this, the task of modeling the code structures of digital signals is relevant, taking into account the patterns of static and dynamically changing multi-stage combination of heterogeneous code transformations in any situation.
Based on the patterns of multi-stage unification of heterogeneous code transformations, to present a model of the distributed component code structure of digital signals and formulate the features of their hierarchical identification during the operation of the receiving paths of incompatible communication channels.
A model has been developed and a parametric space of a set of aggregated digital signal symbols obtained as a result of multi-stage combination of heterogeneous code transformations and determining the integrity of the code structure with a fixed number of heterogeneous codes has been formed. The concept is introduced and the classification of distributed component code structures of digital signals is developed. In order to simulate dynamically changing digital signals, concepts are formulated and parametric state spaces and state trajectories of distributed component code structures are formed. The necessity and sufficiency of hierarchical identification of the introduced distributed component code structures for determining the type of digital signals with a multi-stage combination of heterogeneous code transformations are proved.
The results obtained can be used to create special software that implements the construction of receiving paths of incompatible communication channels in the presence of digital signals with multi-stage combination of heterogeneous code transformations. It is also possible to algorithmize the proposed procedures for identifying distributed component code structures of digital signals in the study and development of methods for their application for incompatible channels of any affiliation.
Ratoushin A.P. A model of the distributed component code structure of digital signals of satellite communication systems, taking into account the patterns of multi-stage unification of heterogeneous code transformations. Science Intensive Technologies. 2023. V. 24. № 1. P. 31−47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202301-04 (in Russian)
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