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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
New trends in the development of complex high-tech systems – mosaic systems (based on the materials of foreign publications)
Type of article: overview article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202202-02
UDC: 007

M.Y. Khramov1, E.S. Novikov2, B.M. Kovalev3, O.N. Andreeva4

1, 2, 4 JSC Concern Morinsis-Agat (Moscow, Russia)
2, 4 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)
2,3 MARP Morinformsystem (Moscow, Russia)
2 SAUTAM LLC (Moscow, Russia)


Problem setting. The US Department of Defense is currently developing new concepts and approaches to ensure asymmetric technological superiority in future conflicts with opposing states. The concepts focus on improving the combat efficiency and reliability of IWT systems, as well as reducing the costs associated with combat losses of IWT systems during modern and future conflicts. These concepts and approaches complement or even are alternative to the current US DoD programs for the development and acquisition of new IWT systems, traditionally focused on high-tech, multifunctional and expensive platforms, such as the F-35 aircraft, the B-21 bomber or the Ford class aircraft carrier.

Target – give a brief overview of the main provisions of this concept, as well as consider the advantages that can create complex network systems from functional mosaic elements, compared to "monolithic," multifunctional and expensive platforms used by opponents.

One of the promising concepts currently being explored by the DARPA Agency for Research Projects is the Mosaic warfare concept. It has been shown that the IWT mono-functional combat system can be assembled to perform a specific task from a set of small, fairly simple and cheap, interacting functional elements (mosaics), combined into a complex autonomous network system. It is noted that DARPA is studying the concept of Mosaic war-fare from various sides:

a) in basic research aimed at identifying areas where mosaic systems have advantages over traditional IWT systems;

b) develop a number of research projects aimed at solving specific problems related to the practical implementation of the Mosaic warfare concept in relation to conflicts with close opponents;

c) conducts a number of studies aimed at developing a new area of system engineering – system engineering for specific missions (Mission engineering).

Pages: 6-24
For citation

Khramov M.Y., Novikov E.S., Kovalev B.M., Andreeva O.N. New trends in the development of complex high-tech systems – mosaic systems (based on the materials of foreign publications). Science Intensive Technologies. 2022. V. 23. № 2. P. 6−24. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202202-02 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 11.01.2022
Approved after review: 24.01.2022
Accepted for publication: 07.02.2022