M.V. Dvornikov1, S.M. Kastersky2, V.P. Khar’kov3, V.N. Chernukha4
1 R&D Centre (Air and Space Medicine and Human Engineering), AF Central R&D Institute of MoD (Moscow, Russia)
2,4 R&D Institute of Ergatic Systems (Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, Russia)
3 “Nauka SOFT” LLC (Moscow, Russia)
The purpose of this study is the development of both an algorithm and a method for its implementation (the addition of an air escape compensator) intended to prevent the hazard to which an air crew may be exposed should big and fast changes in barometric pressure occur in a pressurised cockpit as a consequence of its decompression. The safety of an air crew in the event of decompression on a high-altitude mission depends on the effectiveness of automatic technical means designed to ensure safety. The study examines the possibility and quality of controlling pressure in case of a sudden air escape from the pressurised cockpit. It is noteworthy that the impact of an air escape and the operation of the cockpit pressure control system on changes in dynamic and static temperatures in the pressurised cockpit is factored in alongside and simultaneously with the analysis of pressure control. The possibility in principle of the compensation for air escapes from the pressurised cockpit is given thorough consideration. However, the effects of the specificity of the implementation of the technical piece of equipment in question (i.e. the air escape compensator) upon the dynamics and statics of both temperature and pressure are not considered in this study. The contingency air escape is perceived as a perturbation – a stepwise change in the air flow (consumption) in a pressurised cockpit.
Dvornikov M.V., Kastersky S.M., Khar’kov V.P., Chernukha V.N. The impact of sudden air escapes on controlled pressure and temperature in a pressurised cockpit. Science Intensive Technologies. 2022. V. 23. № 1. P. 42−50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202201-06 (in Russian)
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