S.A. Ivanov1, A.A. Sentsov2, V.A. Nenashev3, E.L. Turnetskaya4
1 PJSC «Central Scientific and Production Association «Leninets» (St.-Petersburg, Russia)
2–4 Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Currently, it is an urgent task to link the rapidly changing data obtained in the mode of synthesized radar image generated in the forward viewing area of the aircraft to cartographic information in real or near real time. Additional complexity includes the processing of radar and cartographic information in the complex data processing of a two-position system.
Goal. Perform the integration of the generated multi-angle radar images with reference to a digital terrain map, applying a functional transformation to them to combine into a single information field.
The experimental studies carried out confirmed the possibility of combining radar images with a digital terrain map on two unmanned aerial vehicles that are part of a single operational monitoring system. The analysis of the experimental results made it possible to formulate a number of recommendations on software adjustments and the choice of technical means for processing the algorithm for combining high-resolution images with the digital terrain map in real time in order to display up-to-date information and solve the navigation task.
The developed software solutions, including the procedure of combining images with a digital terrain map, are applicable for the implementation of information integration in on-board electronic complexes.
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