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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Method for determining the scan nonlinearity of scanning electron microscopes
V.B. Mityuhlyaev - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department, АО «NICPV» (Moscow) E-mail: fgupnicpv@mail.ru S.S. Antsyferov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow Technological University (MIREA) E-mail: c_standard@fel.mirea.ru V.G. Maslov - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Technological University (MIREA); Engineer, АО «NICPV» (Moscow) E-mail: monty-49@mail.ru
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is one of the most high-precision measurement instruments. They allow to assess the parameters of standard measures, designed to calibrate the optical near-field, scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopes. The high accuracy re-quirements for REM are should be provided with set values of the parameters affecting the measurement results. Among them should be allocated a non-linearity of scan of SEM, the method of determining which is currently missing. Determination of the scan nonlinearity is necessary during high-precision measurement of parameters of nano-structured objects. The aim of this work is to develop method for determining the nonlinearity of scan of the scanning electron microscopes. The method for determining the scan nonlinearity consists in evaluating the SEM\'s scan nonlinearity by identifying differences between the values of the periods of the same relief elements measured in the center and corner areas of the screen. Thus, on the basis of the results of research, it is possible to make a map a scan nonlinearity for specific scanning electron microscope. The relief structure (measure) of monocrystalline silicon was used for measurements. It is a set of stepper relief elements arranged on a square silicon chip with a side of 10 mm. Nominal value of step steps structure is 2 microns. In processing the results of measurements must be calculated the difference between the values of the periods ΔTi_n structure obtained in the central area of the screen, and the values obtained in the peripheral areas: ∆Ti_n = T1_n − Ti_n, (1) where i = 2-5 - serial number; T1_n - measured value of period n in the central area of the screen (for n = 1 - 10); Ti_n - measured value of period n in the peripheral areas i of the screen. According to the obtained difference ∆Ti_n for each series of measurements in the peripheral areas of the screen is calculated the stan-dard deviation of the arithmetic mean, which will assess the extent influence of the scan nonlinearity on the measurement result. The obtained value of the contribution the scan nonlinearity to measurements error is 0.04%. With an increase of 10 000 fold for the test measuring range, this value does not exceed the maximum permissible relative error of 4% which is set for the S-4800 scanning electron microscope, which conducted the practical testing of the developed method. An interesting the application of the method to other scanning electron microscopes, as well as for other values increase of in order to study of scan nonlinearity and its quantitative contribution to the measurement error. The developed method has passed practical appro-bation and allows assessment the non-linearity of scan of scanning electron microscopes.
Pages: 21-24


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