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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
The method of simulating road conditions when testing vehicles with locked differential and transmission schemes on the stands with jogging drums
A.Y. Zakharov - Senior Lecturer of Department «Wheeled vehicles», Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: zakharov-al@mail.ru A.Y. Shmakov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Department «Tracked vehicles», Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: shmakov@bmstu.ru
In the beginning of this article discussed the laws of motion of a single wheel on the cross-country drum. Presents the scheme of move-ment of the single wheel and written the equations of motion for this case. Considered quantities appearing in the system equations. Reviewed various designs of stands with Jogging drums. In modern constructions, to the drum is supplied as brake and torque. This gives you the opportunity to simulate movement in various road conditions, as a movement on the rise or on the descent. To control the transmission of a wheeled vehicle with individual wheel-drive, a law was passed the redistribution of moments proportional to the relative normal loads on each wheel. The article presents a new principle simulate a real load modes when driving the vehicle with locked differential, or transmission, in terms of the stand «roller». Results of mathematical simulation proved the efficiency of the proposed approach to the management of the stand on the example of the dynamics of the car with the wheel formula 8×8.
Pages: 47-50


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