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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Model of reduction of probabilities of collisions of airmobile complexes in air space
avia incident
safety of flights
flight incident
computer statistics
computer mathematics
V.A. Betskov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, The Academy of Management of the Interior Ministry of Russia. E-mail: abckov@mail.ru
I.V. Prokopyev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: fvi2014@list.ru
The present paper offers a model of how to reduce probabilities of collision of airmobile complexes in air space at coincidence of heights or echelonings. We formulate an overdue problem of the need for government regulation for operations of flights and other aerial work with all kinds of airmobile complexes. The generalized methods are suggested, but they can be modified for each specific airmobile complex.
Pages: 39-42
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