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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Fuzzy granulation for computer network traffic modeling and forecasting
N.G. Yarushkina, T.V. Afanaseva, I.A. Timina
At the present stage of development of computing processes there is a need of effective modeling and forecasting of server resources, especially in data-processing centers. It is actual owing to increase in number of Internet services, volume of telecommunication traffic, development of \"cloud\" technologies and «big data». The server represents, being characterized a set of the indicators which are constantly changing in time which values measured through discrete periods form the Time Series (TS). In article indistinct and granular models for forecasting of fuzzy tendencies and numerical characteristics of TS which can be received on the basis of measurement of physical parameters are offered. Distinctive feature of the offered models is opportunity to model new objects - fuzzy tendencies and to express results in a linguistic form. Examples of application of the offered models, showing their efficiency are given.
Pages: 67-72


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