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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of high-purity acids using inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry
elemental analysis
high-purity acids
method of inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry
matrix effects
spectral effects
V.M. Retivov, D.V. Kotov, P.A. Volkov, A.V. Lobanova, L.A. Lebedeva, V.Z. Krasilschik, K.K. Bulatitsky, R.A. Sandu
It was shown that the nature of the acid and its concentration have significant influence on the intensity of impurities analytical signals. This can be primarily explained by the effect of matrix suppression of the signal, as well as by molecular ions formation that can be registered at the masses of the elements being analyzed. Analytical characteristics were determined for both methods of high-purity acids analysis. For each of the acids, impurity elements were identified on which the matrix has the biggest influence.
Second analysis method consists of evaporating the acid and washing off impurities on the evaporating dish walls with concentrated nitric acid followed by dilution of the sample with HNO3 solution with concentration of 1 to 5%mass. This method can also be used for analysis of the other liquid-phase objects such as Н2О2, organic solvents, etc. Two methods were developed for analysis of high-purity acids using mass-spectrometry. The first one is express analysis consisting of diluting the acid being analyzed with high-purity water to the concentration of 10%mass followed by its direct analysis with a mass-spectrometer. This method has some restrictions due to the spectral effects of the matrix that are very hard to avoid and to the solvent purity. An internal standard was used to correlate the matrix effects. The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of the nature of different inorganic acids (HNO3, HCl, H2SO4, HF, H3PO4) on analytic characteristics of the ICP-MS method and to use this information to develop impurity determination methods for these compounds.
Pages: 67-73
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