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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Preparation ethylenediamine derivatives, containing propionic groups under conditions of template synthesis
template synthesis
3-chloropropionic acid
acrylic acid
polyaminopolycarboxylic acid
ethylenediamine-N-mono-3-propionic acid
ethylenediamine-N-monoacetic acid
N\'-dipropionic acid
O.N. Podmareva, N.V. Tsirul-nikova, Y.P. Krysin, E.S. Dernovaya
Under conditions oftemplate synthesis in the presence of CaO has managed to change the direction of reaction carboxyalkylation of ethylenediaminemonochloroacetic (MCA) and mono-3-chloropropionic (MCP) acids and to stop this process at an intermediate stage of the formation of derivatives of ethylenediamine incomplete degree of substitution with carboxylic groups of protons - ethylenediamine-N, N\'-diacetic (sym.EDDA) and ethylenediamine-N, N\'-dipropionic (sym.EDDP) acids, respectively. Apart from sym.EDDA was identified ethylenediamine-N-monoaceticacid (EDMA) from the reaction mixture.
The participation of MCP in the side reactions, including reaction of elimination MCP to acrylic acid, explains the low yield sym.EDDP (≈ 40%). It was also interesting to study the process of interaction between ethylenediamine and product of elimination MCP - acrylic acid, under conditions oftemplate synthesis.
In the presence of Cu2+ ions was obtained an unexpected result - the simultaneous formation sym.EDDP in the form of its copper complex and ethylenediamine-N-mono-3-propionic acid (EDMP). The template synthesis, as a result of which were obtained two different by nature products, was described for the first time. Undescribed before EDMP was separate in the form of sulfate and characterized by physicochemical methods.
Pages: 16-23
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